Thursday 9 October 2008

Games You Should Buy

Halo: Combat Evolved for Xbox

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We're now a year on from Halo 3's release. People still play it, people still love it, and a lot of people grudge it basically because it wasn't as good as the first. Don't get us wrong, Halo 3 is a pretty good game, it's just that everything it does, its 2001 grandfather does about five times better.

If you need a reminder of just how superior a shooter Combat Evolved is than the last two installments in the franchise, check out the PC demo for a quick reminder or nab it off of the Marketplace for roughly a tenner. Obviously if you already own it then it shouldn't be a big ask to fire it up for a few minutes, so disregard the previous sentence... Anyway, Halo is a fantastic demonstration of how a console FPS should be done, and it pulls off almost every element you'd look for in a modern shooter with aplomb and then some, practically setting the standard for FPS controls on the Xbox that are imitated by every big shooter today.

Aside from the excellent, responsive controls, there is plenty to rave about. The level design, particularly in the game's middle section, is nigh on peerless, with some fantastic vistas popping up in every stage (except The Library, eugh). Additionally, enemy AI remains a superb achievement to this day as the Covenant dip around your line of sight just as adeptly as a human player. Also, remember when the story in Halo was actually engaging? Yeah, this is it.

No online, no dual wielding, no fancy features, but a solid framework that was revolutionary at the time and remains exceptional today. Reward yourself and play this again as soon as possible.

One Liner Sum Up: Original and best

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